

Looking for ways to improve the way you do business? It may be time to ask the real experts – your employees. Using our Employee Cultural Inventory, we can help you tap the insights of staff and respond to important issues within your firm.

Tune in to your employees’ ideas

The Employee Cultural Inventory is a more than a survey. It provides a broad snapshot of your company’s strengths – and more importantly, any weaknesses. It’s a way of mining your employees’ wealth of ideas, and their intimate knowledge of areas that need improvement.


Comprehensive discussion

You can choose to survey all of your employees or a select group – whichever suits your circumstances.

Each survey is customized from a base of 48 questions over six broad areas:

  • How appropriate is the quantity of work to be performed? How high is the quality of the work?
  • How acceptable are the basic work conditions?
  • How well is work planned? How well is the company structured to carry it out?
  • Do employees get the right amount and quality of supervision?
  • Do employees have opportunities for a satisfactory level of personal growth?
  • What do employees believe are the business’s overall purpose and long-term goals?

Employees fill out the survey confidentially, at a time and place suitable to your workplace. Each participant then takes part in a confidential one-hour interview to explore the responses in more detail.


Objective comparisons

Our clear presentation of the results compares your organization to the “average” of firms in similar circumstances. This provides you with unbiased, data-driven assessment of any HR concerns within your organization. You receive aggregate results, plus any department or unit responses suggesting significant differences in opinion (provided the details do not identify individual participants).


Practical follow-up advice

You also receive our professional guidance to interpret and act on the survey findings. In addition to the survey results, we provide an analysis of opportunities, concerns and problems. We then consult with the management group to prepare an action plan.

Finally, we assist the management team in presenting the results to employees – an important step in building acceptance of follow-up actions.


Workplace Investigations

I am a Manitoba-based workplace investigation specialist. When conflicts arise in the workplace—whether allegations of harassment, complaints of team dysfunction or disruptive behaviours—I can assist you to effectively address the matter and help the parties to move towards positive change.
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